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A new brand for a fresh, new school

Bob Derksen | Design | 3 minute read
Helder op School helps educational establishments address smoking, alcohol and drugs. It provides identifiable rules and boundaries for the playing field in which young people, professionals and parents operate. What are the norms? What are the boundaries? When do you overstep the line? Today developed the brand name, branding and brand identity to fit this Trimbos Institute programme.

De gezonde school en genotmiddelen (DGSG) [the healthy school and stimulants] was the old name for this programme which in 2019 had already been around for thirty years. A great opportunity to bring the branding, website and information materials in line with current times.

Empowering young people

Schools that implement Helder op School get support from the GGD or the addiction care institution (IVZ). For example, the GGD/IVZ can provide school staff with training and participates at parent information sessions. This joint approach at school empowers young people against alcohol, smoking and drugs.

Contained in a clear manual

The visual language of Helder op School draws from the playing field in which students operate. This provides the core elements of both graphic and photographic visual language. Today laid down the rules and practices of the new brand in a brand manual. This style book allows the Trimbos Institute to ensure continuity of expression, now and in the future.

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